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Adli Kandah
By Adli Kandah - Aug 19,2017
Prime Minister Hani Mulki directed the General Budget Department (GBD) to start preparation for the general budget 2018, to take into account the budgets of governorate councils that will be established after the August 15 elections, in accordance with the Decentralisation Law No
By Adli Kandah - Jul 30,2017
Major challenges facing Jordan have affected the performance of its macro and micro economy.Domestic factors are linked to supply and demand.
By Adli Kandah - Jul 23,2017
The Jordanian banking system, represented by the central bank and banks operating in the country, has taken constant steps to increase the number of people covered by financial services.Increasing economic activities and achieving social development and justice for the population
By Adli Kandah - Jul 20,2017
Many countries, including Jordan, have taken holistic measures to address money laundering and terrorist financing risks.Besides a multitude of actions relating to laws, regulations, penalties and public awareness, specific tools also include the ability of regulators and law enf
By Adli Kandah - May 15,2017
The economic stimulus plan presented to His Majesty King Abdullah at the meeting of the Council of Economic Policies on May 3, 2017, and approved by the Council of Ministers is not just a stimulus, but also a comprehensive development strategy.The stimulus plan affects most of th
By Adli Kandah - Jul 16,2016
A study conducted by the Association of Banks in Jordan about the role banks and financial institutions play in the economic empowerment of women, focusing on the Jordanian case, came to address a problem long overlooked by the Arab world: weak economic participation of women and
By Adli Kandah - Mar 16,2016
Financial inclusion, or inclusive financing, is the delivery of financial services at affordable costs to all segments of population, especially the disadvantaged and low-income segments of society.De-risking refers to financial institutions exiting relationships with and closing
By Adli Kandah - Dec 23,2015
By raising the interest rate by 0.25 per cent (25 percentage points), the US Federal Reserve Board voted unanimously to reactivate a key monetary tool that had been defunct for seven years.It was used the last time in December 2008, when it was reduced to the level of zero to 0.2
By Adli Kandah - Nov 12,2015
Financial inclusion is the delivery of financial services at affordable costs to sections of disadvantaged and low-income segments of society, in contrast to financial exclusion where those services are not available or affordable.The term “financial inclusion” has gain