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Adli Kandah
By Adli Kandah - Jun 13,2020
Economic growth means achieving a positive increase in the quantities of goods and services that the economy produces during a specific period, usually measured by a fiscal year.
By Adli Kandah - Feb 16,2020
We learned from various media outlets that Jordan has reached a preliminary agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission regarding a new four-year programme, in accordance with what is known as the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) whereby Jordan would obtain a $1.3 bi
By Adli Kandah - Feb 01,2020
A clear phenomenon has prevailed in Jordan during the past two decades, which is the continuous growth of public debt at rates exceeding 9 per cent annually during the period 2001-2019, reaching nearly 11 per cent for the period 2006-2019 and 11.8 per cent during the last de
By Adli Kandah - Jan 09,2020
A group of factors contributed to the increase in the size of the low-income business sector in the world; the most important of which are the high unemployment rates, the growth in the volume of part-time businesses, the increase in women's search for work, the trend toward
By Adli Kandah - Oct 20,2019
Today, we live in a world of rapid technological development, thanks to decades of investment in the IT sectors, especially in electronic communications networks worldwide. It is, therefore, self-evident that this sector controls the details of our daily lives.
By Adli Kandah - Jul 28,2019
Jordan's experience in dealing with the global financial crisis and its repercussions was a proof of the strength of the Jordanian banking sector and the soundness of its foundations.
By Adli Kandah - Jun 22,2019
Public debt of half of the Arab countries exceeds 90 per cent of GDP, with the expectation that there will be a rapid increase in both the absolute figure and the ratio of the public debt to GDP due to the continuous increases in the budget deficit since the global financial cris
By Adli Kandah - May 16,2019
One of the main features of the political and administrative system in Jordan is that it is highly centralised. For decades, the national planning and development process has been directed by the central government.
By Adli Kandah - Apr 25,2019
Labour migration from one country to another and from one region to another is based on supply and demand factors. Countries accept skilled and unskilled migrant labour because they are short on labour.
By Adli Kandah - Mar 25,2019
Investment in its regional dimension has always been an essential requirement for the Jordanian private sector.