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Robert Skidelsky
By Robert Skidelsky - Jul 23,2019
LONDON — The historian Norman Stone, who died in June, always insisted that history students learn foreign languages. Language gives access to a people’s culture, and culture to its history. Its history tells us how it sees itself and others.
By Robert Skidelsky - Jun 20,2019
LONDON — This month marks the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles, one of the agreements that brought World War I to a close. In a sense, the tables have turned.
By Robert Skidelsky - May 27,2019
LONDON — Harvard University Professor Alberto Alesina has returned to the debate on budget deficits, austerity and growth.
By Robert Skidelsky - Apr 02,2019
LONDON — The United Kingdom’s protracted attempt to leave the European Union has upended the two illusions by which the world has lived since the end of the Cold War: national sovereignty and economic integration, the twin end points of history, according to Francis Fukuyama’s ce
By Robert Skidelsky - Mar 04,2019
LONDON — Surveys from round the world show that people want secure jobs. At the same time, they have always dreamed of a life free from toil.
By Robert Skidelsky - Dec 18,2018
LONDON — So British Prime Minister Theresa May lives to fight another day. The Conservative Party in the House of Commons reaffirmed its confidence in her leadership by a far-from-resounding 200-117 vote.
By Robert Skidelsky - Nov 20,2018
LONDON — Almost all liberals support globalisation and oppose economic nationalism.
By Robert Skidelsky - Oct 18,2018
LONDON — The United Kingdom’s “Remainers”, who still hope to reverse Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, have placarded British cities with a simple question: “Brexit — Is It Worth It?” Well, is it?The answer given by economics is clear: certainly not.
By Robert Skidelsky - Aug 14,2018
LONDON — Liberal revulsion at US President Donald Trump’s mendacious and uncouth politics has spilled over into a rigid defence of market-led globalisation.
By Robert Skidelsky - Jul 17,2018
LONDON — Since June 23, 2016, when 52 per cent of British voters backed withdrawing from the European Union, the “Brexit” debate has been tearing British politics apart.



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