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Kevin Watkins
By Kevin Watkins - Dec 02,2024
LONDON — The world is losing a winnable battle. UN Secretary-General António Guterreswarns that the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on the verge of becoming “the epitaph for a world that might have been”.
By Kevin Watkins - Aug 20,2023
ABIDJAN — If you are looking for an argument in West Africa, try asking which country serves the best jollof.
By Kevin Watkins - Sep 05,2022
LONDON — As children across Europe and the United States start a new school year, the world’s governments are gearing up for their own big education moment.
By Kevin Watkins - May 10,2022
LONDON — When US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau opened the Bretton Woods Conference almost 80 years ago, he reminded delegates that failures of international cooperation had led to the Great Depression, social division, and ultimately war.
By Kevin Watkins - Jan 11,2022
LONDON — As the Western world emerges from a holiday season made less festive by COVID-19, millions of children in Afghanistan are starting 2022 facing the prospect of famine, illness and a lost education. Seldom has a human tragedy been so extensively foretold.
By Kevin Watkins - Sep 07,2021
LONDON — During the Irish famine in the 1840s, as more than one million Irish citizens died, vast quantities of food were exported from Ireland to Britain.
By Kevin Watkins - Apr 10,2021
LONDON — As preparations for this year’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow intensify, attention is focused on efforts to prevent a future catastrophe.
By Kevin Watkins - Jul 29,2020
LONDON — “The beautiful thing about learning,” the great blues guitarist B.B. King once wrote, “is that no one can take it away from you”. Born and raised in poverty, King understood the value of education as a force for change.
By Kevin Watkins - Jan 18,2020
LAGOS — As global business and political leaders gather in Davos for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, they should ask themselves one big question: Will the world achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030?
By Kevin Watkins - Jun 03,2018
LONDON — “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” wrote Benjamin Franklin. A fervent advocate for public education, and a founder of libraries, schools and the University of Pennsylvania, Franklin viewed education as the foundation of human progress.