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Jawad Anani
By Jawad Anani - Nov 19,2018
One of the proudest moments of my life was a few months ago.
By Jawad Anani - Nov 12,2018
In a group meeting, HRH Prince Hassan came up with the term “democratic security”.
By Jawad Anani - Nov 05,2018
Many authors and journalists claim the coinage of the terms “Gen I”, “Generation Z”, or the “millennials”. All of these terms mean, what analysts have unanimously agreed to refer to, those who were born between the years 1994 and 2000.
By Jawad Anani - Oct 29,2018
During the darkest hours of the United Kingdom at the outset of World War II, the British people chose Winston Churchill to be their prime minister. He successfully led his country to victory until the end.
By Jawad Anani - Oct 22,2018
According to conspiracy theorists, Bernard Lewis proposed that a Middle East strategy is being implemented with consistency and with surgical precision.
By Jawad Anani - Oct 15,2018
The Nobel Prize for Economics was won this year by two American economists: The first is William Nordhaus of Yale University “for integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis”.
By Jawad Anani - Oct 08,2018
Avi Shlaim is an Israeli British neo-historian who had criticised the Zionist movement. He is originally a rich Iraqi who migrated to Israel in 1950 when he was five years old.
By Jawad Anani - Oct 01,2018
In economics, the term “ratchet effect” is borrowed from mechanics.
By Jawad Anani - Sep 24,2018
Prime Minister Omar Razzaz is an honest straight-shooter politician, never mind the oxymoron. In his frequent lectures and interview on 60 Minutes on Jordan TV, he put on simply-stated arguments, which were understood by the majority of the people.
By Jawad Anani - Sep 17,2018
While media attention around the world focused last weekend on the tumultuous weather conditions in the southeastern part of the US, human-made financial tsunamis in the Philippines and Sudan were brewing.
