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Hazim El-Naser
By Hazim El-Naser - Nov 27,2024
The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) concluded a few days ago in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, following two weeks of intense and lengthy discussions between developing countries, affected by climate change and developed countries, responsible for greenhouse gas emissi
By Hazim El-Naser - Nov 01,2022
The COP 27 Climate Summit will begin next Sunday, the sixth of November, in Sharm El Sheikh of Egypt, with an international presence that seems to be less than the Glasgow Summit held in Scotland last year.
By Hazim El-Naser - Oct 22,2022
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not deserve the attack it has been subjected to because of the OPEC+decision claims regarding cutting oil productionby 2 million barrels per day.
By Hazim El-Naser - Jun 18,2022
Many still confuse the concept of food security with self-sufficiency, which is defined as "the access of all populations at all times to adequate, safe and nutritious food that meets their nutritional needs and tastes in order to lead an active and healthy life". Self-suffi
By Hazim El-Naser - Mar 26,2022
Having achieved the Millennium Development Goals, which the world’s nations have unanimously implemented by 2015 as per the United Nations World Declaration of the year 2000, the world’s nations have come to the conclusion for the need of a more ambitious and detailed plan to ach
By Hazim El-Naser - Oct 31,2021
The 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) began in Glasgow City of Scotland with the aim following up promises and achievements since the Paris Agreement, which are considered to be modest in terms of reduction of gas emissions or the allocation of the needed financial resour
By Hazim El-Naser - Dec 19,2020
All of us, as Jordanians, have the right to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the State of Jordan, where the Emirate of Transjordan was founded in 1921.
By Hazim El-Naser - Mar 24,2020
No one knows when the coronavirus will be controlled, which spread out in China in October 2019, nor can anyone predict when we will have the right vaccine or antibiotic to fight it.
By Hazim El-Naser - Feb 15,2020
We oppose and reject the US-Israeli peace plan, or the so-called “deal of the century”, for many political, economic, social and religious reasons.