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By Editorial - Jun 19,2014
His Majesty King Abdullah, who presided over a Cabinet meeting Wednesday, reinforced the fact that the nation is “fine and strong”, and has nothing to fear from regional developments.
Sensing the growing anxiety stirred by the recent militant insurgency in Iraq, led
By Editorial - Jun 18,2014
Three Israeli teenagers are believed to have been kidnapped by, so far, an unidentified entity, an act that gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity to blame Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas.
The three, students at a yeshiva school in a Jewish set
By Editorial - Jun 17,2014
The meeting held recently at the UN headquarters in New York on the rights of persons with disabilities highlighted the importance of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and called for making these rights an integral and indispensable part of t
By Editorial - Jun 16,2014
The Private School Association and the Ministry of Education disagree over the new ministry regulations governing private schools.
The two sides are at loggerheads over several issues, among which the fees private schools charge students and the number of students in classes.
By Editorial - Jun 15,2014
The just concluded sixth West Asia-North Africa Forum winded up its meeting in Amman with a call to empower marginalised people, which include women, refugees, migrant workers, and religious and ethnic minorities.
These vulnerable, at times disadvantaged, groups deserve, indeed,
By Editorial - Jun 14,2014
His Majesty King Abdullah’s letter to HRH Prince Talal Bin Mohammad, tasking him with preparing a record of the Kingdom’s national occasions and the manner in which the country celebrates them, is intended to give these commemorations added depth and significance.
By Editorial - Jun 12,2014
Having 350 forest trees consumed by fire would be a big loss for many countries, but for Jordan it is a catastrophe.
This is the number of trees destroyed in Dibeen recently by a criminal hand, according to the Civil Defence Department, whose initial investigation suggested arso
By Editorial - Jun 11,2014
The message of His Majesty King Abdullah to the people through the Royal Court’s Facebook page was meant to reassure them that the country is “fine” and “strong”, and that “it is imperative to continue working and building on what our forefathe
By Editorial - Jun 10,2014
In his recent meeting with members of the Lower House’s Islamic Centrist Party bloc, His Majesty King Abdullah stressed the fact that any democratic drive is characterised by a comprehensive, evolutionary and continuous reform process that can only be successful when all ci
By Editorial - Jun 09,2014
Australia is dangerously, and unprecedentedly, disregarding international law, including UN resolutions, by deciding to stop referring to East Jerusalem as occupied area.
Canberra’s attorney general justified his country’s dangerous change of course with the claim th