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Genuine conflict resolution

Oct 27,2023 - Last updated at Oct 27,2023

Major riots in major cities took place worldwide expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause. No wonder why this ongoing conflict for more than 75 years speaks directly to the hearts of people worldwide whose conscience is clear and who value justice and equality. This is about people being deprived of their basic human rights to live decently without harassment or oppression and freely in their historic homeland in Palestine. This is a story about a nation with a hope and desire for self-determination. This conflict as opposed to others, involves much more than clashes on the political level where regime changes are the main reasons for war.

This conflict involves an occupier and an occupied nation. This is about a system of apartheid that has been implemented over the decades in Palestinian territories. This is about the segregation and alienation of the Palestinian people in their homeland. Unfortunately, those managing the conflict are not genuine with regard to the needs of both populations but only side with one party. Neglecting Palestinian suffering for decades has backfired on the oppressor.

Humanity mourns the loss of innocent lives on both sides. We also mourn the failure by those who see themselves as brokers of the conflict. They have failed miserably to address the root causes of this conflict. Human beings are wired to stand up against oppression. Behind the anger, frustration and hopelessness of the Palestinians living in Gaza and the west bank are unmet rights and needs. All human beings are wired to demand their needs for respect, appreciation, acceptance, support and approval. These needs are met when their rights given back to them. Genuine conflict resolution practitioners will work in the sphere of unmet needs in pursuit of the root causes behind a persistent tension, anger, frustration or violence. Any conflict management efforts that do not work within the sphere of unmet needs is not genuine and shall not prosper nor heal a generation of traumatized citizens of both nations. The vicious cycle of victim/victimiser will only continue for years to come.

There is a cultural dimension that needs to be addressed this is not about economics, metrics and numbers in place. This is about human precious life. What we see in western news agencies coverages is largely concerned with Israel’s needs for security and for the right to defend itself. But it is seldom about what the Palestinians rights are? Such as their right for security, decent standards of living and their right for self-determination. Think of it in context of civil society; there is a generation of youth in both nations who are growing up in this vicious cycle of violence and narrative of war and hate between the two nations of Israel and Palestine.

What are those who call themselves brokers of the conflict doing today to help reconcile both nations? What we see instead is ethnocentrism driving the conflict to a tipping point. The current right-wing Israeli government only continues to confiscate land in the west bank to kill the chance for a Palestinian state to be established. This clearly shows that the conflict is diverting to a dangerous path since brokers of the conflict no longer regard Palestinian rights as legit or valid anymore. 

It is, indeed, a tragedy and shameful for civilians to fall on both sides. But who dares to ask why does this tragedy keep repeating itself over the decades? When will this stop? What do we need to today to help both parties get back into genuine negotiations to settle their differences?

Palestinians today are driven by their unmet rights that stretched for more than 75 years. Most importantly their right for self-determination, which entails respect, appreciation and acceptance of who they are as a historic ethnic group of the native land of Palestine. Now looking forward, speaking to all diplomats and politicians worldwide: what will you do today to help save innocent lives from both populations? When will preserving human precious life become a priority? And when will you approach this conflict with a genuine understanding of the unmet needs/rights of the deprived?

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