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Pushing region, world into chaos

Jul 22,2020 - Last updated at Jul 22,2020

In an interview this week with the British newspaper The Guardian, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Omar Razzaz warned that the Israeli government’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank would be "ushering in a new apartheid state" that could be a radicalising force and further destabilise the region and the world, stressing that the annexation move would enshrine a South African-style apartheid system

In the interview, the Premier warned that anything short of the viable two-state solution is going to push the region and the world into chaos, challenging any Israeli official to come up with a better alternative than the two-state solution.

Reiterating Jordan’s unwavering position on the Palestinian issue that is based on the two-state solution and supporting the inalienable rights of the Palestinians, Razzaz clearly stated that Jordan opposes any steps that are not part of a comprehensive plan that leads to the envisioned two-state solution.

The Premier’s interview with the Guardian came to send a clear message to the world on where Jordan stands on the Palestinian issue as the official position of the Kingdom in this respect has become only too clear to the world. A position that staunchly propagates the two-state solution as the sole viable, just, sustainable and practical formula for the Palestinian case, excluding the one-state solution as solution that cannot be even thought of.

At a time when the entire world is reeling under the grip of the deadly coronavirus pandemic, Jordan continued to champion the Palestinian issue and has been repeatedly sending messages to the world and exerting its utmost efforts so the world does not lose sight of the core issue in the Middle East. In fact, Jordan has not ceased challenging unilateral Israeli actions in international fora and continued spearheading a slew of efforts and meetings with agendas topped by the peace process.

The Kingdom has not retreated one inch from its pursuit of Middle East peace based on the two-state solution, which guarantees the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the June 4, 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital, living securely and peacefully alongside an Israeli state in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.

Jordan’s unwavering and principled position in this regard remains clear; the two-state solution, which is supported by the EU and world powers, and anything short of that solution would only exacerbate tensions in a volatile region that has already been navigating tumultuous waters.

Peace and stability in the world can sprout solid roots only when there is peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis based on the two-state solution and Israel’s illegal, rejected and condemned plans to annex Palestinian territories do not serve regional or global peace and stability.

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