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Safadi stresses need for Arab cooperation to achieve common goals

By JT - Sep 11,2019 - Last updated at Sep 11,2019

Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi takes part in the Arab League’s summit on the ministerial level in Cairo on Tuesday (Photo courtesy of Foreign Ministry)

AMMAN — The challenges facing Arab nations require more effective coordination and cooperation that boost their ability to overcome crises and serve the interests of Arab causes, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Tuesday.

During his participation in the 152nd ordinary session of the Arab League’s summit on the ministerial level, Safadi said that supporting joint Arab efforts is one of Jordan’s firm values as part of its belief in Arab cooperation in service of the nation’s interests, according to a Foreign Ministry statement. 

The minister stressed the importance of rallying political and financial support to the UNRWA so that it may continue playing its UN-mandated role. 

“UNRWA’s mission is tied to the cause of the refugees, which is a key final-status issue that must be solved in accordance with international legislation and the Arab Peace Initiative to guarantee their rights of return and compensation,” Safadi said.

Safadi noted that the Palestinian cause is the most central regional issue, noting that security and stability cannot be achieved unless it is resolved through a two-state solution, which guarantees the Palestinians’ right to an independent state along the June 4, 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital, adhering to international legislation and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The minister congratulated his Iraqi counterpart on chairing the current session of the Arab League summit on the level of foreign ministers and thanked his Somali counterpart for his efforts as head of the previous session. 

Safadi also held meetings with a number of his counterparts on the sidelines of the summit, according to the statement. 

For their part, participating Arab foreign ministers lauded His Majesty King Abdullah’s efforts in protecting Jerusalem’s Muslim and Christian holy sites as their custodian.

The ministers condemned all Israeli attempts to tamper with the Hashemite Custodianship and its role in protecting Jerusalem’s holy sites, and warned of any attempts to alter the holy city’s legal and historic status.

Also on Tuesday, Safadi met with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukri in Cairo to discuss prospects of furthering bilateral ties and latest regional developments.

The two sides, during the meeting held ahead of the summit, lauded the two countries’ coordination on various issues, according to a ministry statement.  

The top officials also exchanged views on means of activating joint Arab action to confront the challenges threatening regional security and stability. 

Talks went over the mechanisms of dealing with the developments in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the crises in Syria, Yemen and Libya, to serve the causes and interests of the Arab nation.

Discussions also covered the priorities of the upcoming stage in addition to prospects of an Arab diplomatic action planned to be taken on the sidelines of the meetings of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 74), scheduled to be held in New York on September 17.

On the sidelines of the summit, Safadi also met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali Alhakim. 

During the meeting, Safadi affirmed that the two countries “are marching on a clear path” to enhance their economic and development partnership and political coordination. 

Talks also went over ways to approach regional developments in service of Arab interests. 

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