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‘Raging war on Gaza’ must end — Safadi

Push to displace Palestinians threatens wider regional conflict — FM

By Mays Ibrahim Mustafa - Oct 15,2023 - Last updated at Oct 15,2023

Ayman Safadi

AMMAN — Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi on Saturday called for ending the “raging war on Gaza”, warning that it will result in “humanitarian crises”. 

He noted that this war is a form of “collective punishment”, which violates international law. Blocking the entry of food, medicine and fuel into Gaza is also a war crime, according to the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV), said Safadi. 

“Gazan people are civilians who deserve protection,” he added, noting that the Arab world has condemned violence on both sides, in line with humanitarian values and international law. 

“The international community should condemn the killing of Palestinians, as they aren’t any less human than Israelis,” Safadi stressed. 

He added that the war on Hamas is killing innocent civilians and will only lead to more tension and conflict; “not peace, nor security will be achieved”. 

Moreover, Safadi affirmed that Israel’s push to displace one million Palestinians is a “red line” that Arabs will stand against, a position reiterated by His Majesty King Abdullah and the Arab League. 

This move is a violation of international law and an attempt to transfer the crises “exacerbated by the occupation” into neighbouring countries, he added. 

Global calls against displacement of Palestinians 


Al Mamlaka TV reported on Saturday that Egypt has closed the Rafah border crossing in North Sinai with Gaza using a brick wall. 

A statement issued by the Arab League said that secretary-general of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit directed an “urgent speech” to the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, urging him to take measures to stop Israel’s “bloody” campaign against Gazan people. 

He said that pushing the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza is a “flagrant” violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the “forcible transfers” or deportations of protected persons from occupied territory. 

Aboul Gheit  added that Israel isn’t conducting a military operation against the organisations that attacked it, “but an ugly vengeful act of using military force to punish helpless civilians and residents in Gaza by targeting them indiscriminately”. 

Al Mithaq Al Watani (National Charter) Party issued a statement on Saturday affirming its support to the Speech from the Throne, delivered by His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday upon his inauguration of the third ordinary session of the 19th Parliament.

“There can be no security, no peace, and no stability without a just and comprehensive peace, to which the only way can be through the two-state solution,” His Majesty said.

It also commended the King’s “diplomatic moves” with world leaders to ensure peace in the region. 

His Majesty said the dangerous escalation and acts of violence and aggression currently taking place in the Palestinian Terriatories are proof that the region will never be secure nor stable without achieving just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution.

The King stressed that this is the way for the Palestinian people to gain their independent and sovereign state on the June 4th, 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and for the cycles of killing to end, warning that their ultimate victims are innocent civilians.

Al Mithaq Al Watani Party also condemned all “merciless” forms of killing, bloodshed and destruction in Gaza, denouncing Israel’s “barbaric” use of phosphorus bombs against the unarmed people in Gaza.  

King Abdullah left on Saturday for a European tour to garner support from the region’s leaders for an end to the “war on Gaza”. The tour will include the UK, Italy, Germany and France, according to Al Mamlaka TV. 

Political writer and analyst Hussein Al Rawashdeh noted that the Palestinian cause is a national priority for Jordan that has always been handled with utmost care and caution. 

Jordan has taken two pathways of action in response to the war on Gaza: Humanitarian aid and political advocacy, reflected in the efforts of both His Majesty the King and government officials, Rawashdeh told The Jordan Times. 

“The biased media coverage by some news media outlets indicates that the West only wants to hear the voice of the Israeli narrative,” he added, noting the importance of political advocacy in bringing to light the Arab Palestinian narrative to garner international support and end the war on Gaza. 

Rawashdeh also pointed out that the Kingdom’s efforts to end the war are promoted by a number of apprehensions; these include fears that Israel’s forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza will recur in the West Bank. He added that there are also concerns that escalation will lead to a wider regional conflict, posing a threat to Jordan’s borders. 


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