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Fontana calls for facilitating the flow of Jordanian products to the EU

By JT - Jan 21,2016 - Last updated at Jan 21,2016

AMMAN — Several commercial sectors face challenges in importing their products due to the stop of land transportation to Iraq and Syria under regional conflicts, Jordan European Business Association (JEBA) President Jamal Fariz said Wednesday.

At a meeting JEBA held in the presence of EU Ambassador to Jordan Andrea Matteo Fontana, Fariz called on European Union (EU) countries to reduce the commercial deficit between the EU and Jordan, noting that the commercial balance volume is in favour of the EU with $4 billion, according to a JEBA statement. He also called for reconsidering bilateral agreements and helping Jordan through facilitating the flow of national products to the EU.

Also speaking at the meeting, held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of establishing JEBA, Fontana highlighted the importance for Jordanian products to access European markets and to enhance the private sector's role in supporting the economy. The ambassador also commended JEBA's role in facilitating contacts between Jordanian and European companies and boosting commercial relations, according to the statement.

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